As we progress through autumn, we’re experiencing another Covid-19 epidemic in London reflected in an increase in cases, a sharp rise in 111 calls, hospital admissions and patients in intensive care units.

The capital is now on the government’s ‘watch list’ as an area of ‘high concern’, which is a stark reminder that we face further London-wide lockdown restrictions and need to all pull together to avert the situation getting worse.

East London is at particular risk.

Already in Redbridge, Covid-19 cases per 100,000 people is way over the escalation threshold for London and it’s the same in Barking and Dagenham.

Worryingly, Newham is not far behind. That’s why it is crucial that we all redouble our efforts and follow precautions to stop the virus spreading even more.

If you, or someone you live with, have Covid-19 symptoms – please get a test as soon as possible and remember: staying at home if you have the symptoms is a legal requirement now.

When seeing friends and family outside your household, please stick with ‘the rule of six’, and where possible meet outside.

In Newham, and elsewhere in London, we’ve seen an increase in community transmission because of households mixing more than they should.

Also remember to wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds, cover your face when in public places such as a shop or café and on public transport or where social distancing is difficult – and don’t forget to keep at least two metres apart, especially when you are out and about.

We need to keep Newham safe, so whatever you may think about how the government is handling the Covid-19 crisis, let’s not put any more of our families and loved ones at risk here in the borough.

And please keep an eye on vulnerable neighbours, friends or family members. Stay safe.